速報APP / 遊戲 / Leo's Journey in Africa

Leo's Journey in Africa



檔案大小:627.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

Leo's Journey in Africa(圖1)-速報App

Leo's Journey in Africa is an exploration game with more than 30 action, puzzle and quiz mini-games that will allow your child to have fun while raising awareness about biodiversity and environmental conservation.

Create your own avatar and name it to have a unique experience. Visit the different landscapes of Africa, stroll in sumptuous scenery. Discover the hidden objects in the different levels, and use your power to talk to the animals and help them by playing the mini-games they offer to help you advance the story.


- Go on adventure and discover Africa:

From the hot desert to the mangrove swamp, passing through the depths of the Mediterranean Sea...

Leo's Journey in Africa(圖2)-速報App

- Take on many challenges:

30 mini-games including action games, puzzles and quizzes, specially designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12!

- Customize your avatar:

Create and name your avatar, unlock new costumes as you progress through the adventure!

- Find hidden objects:

Leo's Journey in Africa(圖3)-速報App

Each environment contains 10 hidden objects related to the region explored, find them all to unlock new accessories for your avatar!

- Learn more about biodiversity:

Raise your child's awareness of environmental and biodiversity conservation issues through 10 topical themes.

About the game :

Leo’s Journey was created as part of the EduConservation project, which aims to inform, educate and sensitize young people to environmental conservation issues Africa so that they can actively engage in a better balance between human activities and nature conservation. The EduConservation Project is initiated and funded by the Sabine Plattner African Charities (SPAC). It is supported by the Leadership for Conservation in Africa, an African NGO active in the field of nature conservation on the African continent.

Leo's Journey in Africa(圖4)-速報App

The EduConservation project provides free activity booklets focused on nature conservation issues to education systems of African partner countries. The educational contents, from the first notebook to the game, were produced by African and European teachers and experts in collaboration with the publisher EDICEF of the Hachette Livre group. For more details, visit EduConservation.org.

Leo’s Journey is distributed free of charge to schools in the African partner countries of the project.

Leo's Journey in Africa(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad